Dance-ish thoughts for freezing-ish days

Today in Chicago it is "feels like -2 degrees" cold and the only thing I can focus on is figuring out ways to be cozy and warm.

And though I know a quick BrainDance or a 2 song kitchen dance party is a great way to warm up my body when the heat can't seem to keep up with the frigid temps... today I want to share a way to celebrate dance while snuggled up on the couch under a blanket (or two).

So here's some dance books I've been really loving lately:

 Danza!: Amalia Hernández and El Ballet Folklórico de México by Duncan Tonatiuh 

Dance history, Mexican culture, and the possibility of one person's vision to create something magnificent come together in this true story. As the title suggests, this picture book is a biography of Amalia Hernández, and tells the story of how her choreography developed as a celebration of Mexican folk dances and culture, and how her company grew to perform all over the world.

 How Do You Dance? by Thyra Heder 

If you love a silly book - this one will be a hit! It's packed with illustrations of how and when people (and sometimes animals) dance. There's tons of different moves and action words. Plus one kid who insists they don't dance until (spoiler alert!) we find out it's not that they don't dance... it's that they prefer dancing ALONE!

 The Body is not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor 

(Note: This is not a children's book.) This isn't a dance book per se, but it is a body book and since it's impossible to dance and not have a relationship with your body (and bodies in general), I wanted to include it here. This book dives into the history and culture of body discrimination, the MANY ways that shows up in our daily lives, and how to shift the culture starting with radical self love toward your own body - so that we may be able to love ALL bodies and challenge anyone/anything that doesn't.

Next time you need a cozy under-a-blanket-on-the-couch day, I hope you grab a dance book and keep your imagination moving… even if you body is resting.